On 01 May 2022, Geräuschkulisse e.V. invites you to a live surround concert at Schaubühne Lindenfels in Leipzig. The concert will take you into the largest and most sound rich habitat on our planet. A 45-minute spacious sound diffusion celebrating the sounds, rhythms and music of the world’s oceans. The piece bathes the ears, breaks the idyll with man-made noise, swirls around the bodies in the dark ballroom, and gives space for imagination.
Afterwards: open audience discussion with Chris Watson in English, translation into German by the presenters if needed.
If you are now curious, you can find all further information here: geraeuschkulisse.org
and here: fb.me/e/1dJHnDehF
This event is a recommendation and is organized and carried out by Geräuschkulisse e.V..